Bananas for Weight Loss: Nutrition Content and Benefits

Bananas for Weight Loss
Bananas for Weight Loss: Nutrition Content and Benefits

When going on a diet or weight loss, you need to eat foods with calorie sources that are healthy for the body. There are many diet methods you can choose from, one of which is the banana diet. The banana for weight loss involves eating bananas for a certain period to lose weight.

However, remember a healthy lifestyle also needs to be lived throughout this process. So, are bananas good for weight loss or dieting? Read on!

Nutrition Content of Bananas

Is it true that bananas are a great fruit for weight loss? Although there are no studies directly testing the effects of bananas for weight loss. But bananas have several ingredients that can make them a diet-friendly food, even bananas are great for beauty.

The measure of whether a food is good or not in a losing weight program lies in the amount of nutrients. Therefore, you need to check whether eating bananas will give you a nutritional boost or not. Based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture, here are the nutritional contents of bananas in 100-gram serving sizes:

Energy: 89 calories.
Protein: 1.09 grams.
Fat: 0.33 grams.
Carbohydrates: 23 grams.
Sugar: 12.2 grams.
Water: 74.9 grams.
Fiber: 2.6 grams.
Calcium: 5 milligrams.
Phosphorus: 22 milligrams.
Sodium: 3 milligrams.
Magnesium: 27 milligrams.
Potassium: 358 milligrams.

Based on these nutritional offerings, bananas are a nutritionally complete fruit. In this case, banana is one of the fruits with high potassium content.

Potassium is very beneficial for losing weight, especially in the process of building protein, maintaining body fluid balance, and breaking down carbohydrates. Not only that, this mineral will maintain normal body growth as well as control the balance of body acids and bases and electrical activity in the heart and nerves.

Bananas for Weight Loss?

When compared to other fruits, bananas tend to have a high sweetness that comes from the sugar content in them.

However, the sugar in bananas is a type of fructose sugar that is easily digested by the body and is not processed and manufactured sugar. In addition, even though blood sugar levels increase due to eating bananas, diabetics can still enjoy bananas as long as they don’t overdo it.

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Well, below are the various benefits of bananas for weight loss.

1. Gives you a feeling of fullness

The soluble fiber in bananas can help give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Moreover, bananas are low in calories, making bananas for weight loss is possible. Not only that, the low calories and high fiber will also help your weight loss succeed. That way, your appetite will be curbed thanks to the satiety from eating bananas.

2. Helps restore muscle

Generally, someone on a diet or weight loss has an exercise program to process the body.

If these two activities are supported by banana consumption, it will greatly help the progress. This is because bananas have carbohydrates that are easily digested. In addition, minerals such as magnesium and potassium are also useful for the body’s electrolyte process. Potassium and magnesium are useful for relieving muscle pain and cramps due to exercise.

3. Maintains heart health

Potassium in bananas is beneficial for maintaining heart health. Specifically, in the management of blood pressure. Not only potassium, potassium also helps the body to stay healthy. Therefore, to keep your heart healthy, you should consume bananas because of the potassium and potassium content in them.

4. Helps you lose weight

Currently, there are no studies that show that bananas for weight loss is possible..

However, indirectly, eating bananas can help you lose weight. This is because bananas are low in calories and filling, so they can indirectly help you lose weight. For the record, weight loss due to fat burning can occur when your body is in a calorie deficit.

Therefore, bananas are one of the fruits that can help with calorie deficit when losing weight.

5. Fights free radicals

Bananas have ingredients that are beneficial in fighting free radicals. These ingredients are a type of antioxidants, namely amines and flavonoids to ward off free radicals that are harmful to the body. By considering the number of calories and the various benefits contained in it, making bananas you need to add to the diet menu.

How Many Bananas a Day for Weight Loss?

Next, you might be wondering about how many bananas you should consume for your losing weight. The answer will vary depending on your activity and daily energy needs. Broadly speaking, one to two bananas per day is enough to meet the average nutritional needs of most healthy people.

However, you can generally eat as many bananas as you want, provided you stop eating bananas by your daily energy intake. As for diabetics, it is advisable to consult a doctor first if you want to bananas for weight loss.