Spices play an essential role in cooking; among them, cardamom holds a significant position in the global market due to its high price. This prized spice is commonly used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine and boasts numerous health benefits. However, consuming cardamom can also lead to side effects. Here are some fascinating facts about cardamom that you might find interesting.
5 Unique Cardamom Facts
1. Food flavoring and preservatives
Cardamom has a fragrance that can make your dishes unique. Every dish paired with cardamom has a different flavor. Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine always uses cardamom as the main seasoning ingredient. Its fragrant taste can absorb the fishy smell of the meat to be cooked. You can also process cardamom into a warming drink. For those who like grilled dishes, use cardamom so that the food tastes better and does not smell fishy. Cardamom can be used as a natural food preservative as well.
2. Treat various diseases
Besides being a food flavoring, cardamom is needed as an herbal medicine to cure diseases. Traditional medicine always adds cardamom to herbal concoctions to treat health problems. Its warm, mint-like flavor has a good effect on the body. This cardamom herb can cure ailments such as stomach problems, digestion, and nausea. The anti-inflammatory properties of cardamom can treat viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, bronchitis, inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, cardiovascular problems, headaches, and increased appetite.
3. Contains calcium, manganese, protein, fat and other substances
According to nutritionists, one spoonful of cardamom powder contains six calories, 1 gram more carbohydrates, and less than 1 gram of protein and fat. In addition, cardamom provides a small amount of calcium (7.7 mg) and potassium (22.4 mg). Cardamom also contains small amounts of magnesium and phosphorus. Despite its warm flavor, cardamom includes a small dose of vitamin C that can supplement your daily nutritional intake.
4. Watch out for side effects
Side effects for some people offset the nutritional content of cardamom. According to experts, pregnant women are not advised to consume cardamom as an herbal remedy. The side effects that occur are risky to the womb. There are even those who use cardamom for abortion. However, in this case, the truth of the impact of cardamom on abortion still has to be researched. In addition, people with gallstones should avoid consuming cardamom in high doses. The substances contained in cardamom can trigger gallstone colic.
5. Tips on how to store for longevity
Cardamom can be adequately stored for longevity. Its high price is inversely proportional to its relatively perishable shelf life. You can hold cardamom in an airtight place. Pay attention to the room temperature for storing spices like cardamom. An excellent and dry place can help it last longer. If stored in an airtight place, its life can reach one year. It would help to try cardamom for your dishes to make them taste high. It would help if you felt the increased benefits. Always keep in mind the side effects on pregnant women and people with gallstones