4 Cardamom Side Effects You Need to be Aware Of

4 Cardamom Side Effects You Need to be Aware Of
Cardamom Side Effects You Need to be Aware Of

Do not overuse cardamom. If you ignore it, you may experience cardamom’s side effects on your health. Check out the facts here.

Cardamom is a spice that is often used as a seasoning. Not only that, cardamom has also long been used to treat various diseases.

Although it has health benefits, you should also be careful using cardamom. When used carelessly and excessively, it can even cause some adverse side effects and be harmful to health.

What are the side effects of cardamom? Find out more in the following review.

Compound Content in Cardamom

Cardamom contains nutrients that are good for health and is a natural diuretic that can help lower blood pressure. Cardamom also has several enzymes that can prevent the formation of cancer cells.

In addition, cardamom is believed to treat nausea, intestinal spasms, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, heartburn, constipation, and infectious diseases.

The content of 1 tablespoon of cardamom powder includes:

  • 18 calories
  • 2 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0.6 calories
  • 22.2 grams of calcium
  • 64.9 milligrams of potassium
  • 10.3 phosphorus
  • 13.3 magnesium

Cardamom Side Effects to Watch Out For

Although cardamom has good benefits and nutritional content, you should not consume cardamom in large quantities and continuously. Here are some of the dangers of cardamom that may occur when consumed excessively:

1. Adverse Drug Interactions

If you are taking medications for weight control, avoid taking cardamom at the same time. Some medications can negatively interact with cardamom and cause gastrointestinal (digestive) disturbances, such as nausea, heartburn, constipation, and impaired liver function.

More: 5 Unique Cardamom Facts, from Nutrition to Side Effects

To minimize the risk of cardamom side effects, pay attention to the rules of use of the drug or consult a doctor before taking it.

2. Gallstone Colic

Gallstones are hardened clumps of digestive waste that form in the gallbladder. Cardamom can trigger movement of the digestive tract mediated by cholinergic and Ca++ antagonistic mechanisms. This is what later causes gallstone colic and is detrimental to the sufferer.

Similarly, several studies have found a link between gallstone colic and the consumption of excessive amounts of cardamom. The research found that consuming high doses of cardamom makes the digestive system fail to absorb it. This results in sedimentation in the body, which in turn can lead to the formation of gallstones.

3. Allergies

If consumed continuously and in large quantities, the next danger of cardamom is to cause allergic reactions. This condition tends to arise particularly in individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to the components found in cardamom.

Allergic reactions that occur are generally in the form of skin rashes and itching. In more serious cases, allergic reactions can cause respiratory distress.

If you experience respiratory distress after consuming cardamom, immediately go to the nearest hospital for treatment. Because it can be life-threatening.

4. Increases the Risk of Bleeding

Cardamom content can inhibit platelet cells. As a result, the function of platelets in blood clotting is disrupted and causes the risk of bleeding to increase. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, you should consult your doctor if you want to consume cardamom. So, the side effects of cardamom can be prevented and the risk of bleeding does not occur.

For those of you who like to cook using cardamom, pay attention to some of the cardamom side effects above. Consumption within reasonable limits is usually safe and not a cause for concern.